Fashion Therapy #2703


Bento Mesh Head: LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 4.0 by Jaden Nova

Skin:[theSkinnery]Zada (LeLutkaEVOX) sena by Umazuma Metaluna

Body: [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.6) by MeshBody Resident

Body Skin BOM: [theSkinnery] Luna Body Skin (LEGACY) SLIM sena by Umazuma Metaluna

Cosmetic :

Hair:  TRUTH Collective / Lush – Fatpack by by MissAllSunday Lemon & Truth Hawks


Top: [WellMade] Sorah Top by Thidelly Resident

Skirt: KiB Designs – Grunge Mini Skirt =Group Gift=  by Kira Balestra

-Compatible with:

Maitreya OG, Legacy, Reborn, Venus, Freya and Isis bodies

*The group costs 100L but you have a lot of group gifts in the store!

-Texture hud with:

4 colors in hud

Poses:  Lyrium. Lola Animations Set (static) by Ni Avril

Photo location: Clef des Champs

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